Monday, November 24, 2008


...So I got about 2 hours of sleep and was up at 3am for breakfast and departure to Paracas at 4am. I was hoping to get to sleep on the bus but of course it was super bumpy and I could not sleep no matter how hard I tried The trip was 4 hours. I felt like a paint can at Home Depot. When we got to Paracas we got right onto a boat, (more tummy shaking) and headed for the Ballatas Islands. They are home to many varieties of birds. On the way we drove the boat past this huge mountain that had a candlabra carved into the side of it. They dont know how it got there. But I think you can find it on the web, it was really cool. Its called the Candlabra. Anyways as we approached the islands, which you cant get onto, but why would you want to they were covered in poop, we saw ten million billion birds. One bird that was there all over the place is called a boobie. I saw big boobies and little boobies. Some boobies were young and nice, some boobies were old and seemed to stay near the ground. Haha Anyways we also saw sea lions! They were just hanging out on the rocks resting after fishing all day. We saw some jumping in the water. One had what looked like a tight collar around his neck. They said he probably ran into a net when he was little and as he grows it gets tighter and tighter. It will kill him eventually. I was like, STOP THE BOAT! CUT IT OFF HIM! YOU HEARTLESS PEOPLE! But they couldn´t hear me because I had a sandwich in my mouth. And a candy bar.

to be continued...

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